
Frogs & Toads

I am responsible for our wildlife management program here at work. We are a registered wildlife habitat with the Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC) and Wildlife and Industry Together (WAIT). We have a few projects I have to keep up with and one of them is a coverboard project that is associated with the Catawba River Corridor Coverboard Project (CRCCP) that is run by the Central Carolina Amphibian and Reptile Initiative (CCARI).

I turn in data and photographs to Michael Dorcas, a professor of biology at Davidson University. He and a professor from Georgia have been putting together field guides of amphibian and reptile species in the southeastern U.S. and having them published. I received a copy of the Frogs & Toads of the Southeast in the mail at work last week. When I opened the envelope and looked at the book I was surprised to see one of my photos on the back cover. They also used another photo of mine in the book. The photo on the back is also used inside the book for the beginning page of the Toads section.


4 Responses to “Frogs & Toads”

  1. 1 Karen
    February 16, 2009 at 6:34 pm

    SO PROUD OF YOU!! That is a great accomplishment! You definitely have a gift with both photography and your drawings. I know God can use them for great things! 🙂

  2. February 16, 2009 at 10:31 pm

    Very nice. Excellent shots. Very good program to promote wildlife preservation, and respect.
    So proud of you Chris.

  3. 3 Mom
    February 17, 2009 at 12:30 am

    It is about time. I know all of your stuff is printer quality. I just keep praying the right connection comes along for you my gifted son. I love ya bunches!

  4. 4 Sam
    February 17, 2009 at 12:53 am

    Where do we get the book? When you make it big I need a J O B. All I gotta make is like 125K a year and Im golden. Keep up the good work!

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February 2009

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